The simple kept simple. The complicated made possible.
Being effective and flexible. Staying current. Always looking for room to grow. GRASP (our Generic Rating and Accounting Systems Platform) is an online charging system for companies that want to complete their product portfolio by bundling it with their own solutions, consolidate their charging and customer administration infrastructure, or replace their existing legacy system. Specifically designed to meet the needs of Telecom companies, GRASP provides a flexible framework with guaranteed response times, scalability, effectiveness, and a short time to market for services – proven in Tier-1 environments.
Reach Customers:
GRASP allows operators to meet customer needs and offer new solutions with minimum effort:
- Build service enabling components that not only fulfill performance needs, but also minimize an operator’s efforts and time to market for new services
- Extend and complete pre-configured solutions and make completely independent offers to customers
- Enlarge an operator’s competencies by offering affordable solutions without compromises
The Essentials:
Bringing all of these solutions into one system, GRASP can:
- Host mobile network subscribers and provide a basis for charging
- Provide information and administrative services for subscribers
- Give the operator a wide portfolio of possibilities to create unique products
- Enable operators to redesign solutions and support these based on the operator’s own deployment model, including continuous deployment and delivery
Enhanced Potential:
GRASP’s ability to also serve non-Telecom industries and operate on different platforms shows the versatility that has been built into our system.
- Deploy on low cost hardware and on open source databases
- Realize solutions in industries which require high performance, real-time event processing
- Use in non-Telecom prepaid markets such as utilities and cable television services
- Can be integrated with other applications and software
- Provide cloud services for prepaid driven Telecom markets